Return Policy
We hope you love your purchase, but if you aren’t happy with your order or if you’ve received a damaged or incorrect product, you may return it within 30 days for a full refund. Returns must be in the same condition as you received it and in the original packaging, not worn, used, or washed.
To initiate your return, follow these simple steps:
- Log in to your account
- Click the My Orders link on the left side, select the order, and then the specific product or products for return
- Select your reason for the return
- If you were shipped an incorrect or damaged item, provide the specifics in the Notes field
- Click Submit
- After you’ve submitted your request, you’ll receive and email with a UPS return label to put on the box and drop at a UPS facility.
- Once the label has been scanned, MSP Design Group will be notified to take the next steps.
For mis-shipments, an MSP representative will initiate a new, no-charge order, to be shipped you right away. For other instances, you’ll be credited to your credit card or issued a credit to your account. Then you can move forward and place a new order.
Close-out items and made-to-order items cannot be refunded unless they are defective or incorrect.
If you need additional assistance, please contact your MSP webstore support team. A friendly team member will be happy to help!
Phone: 833-978-0076